Physical Disability

RIC Event: Supporting the Preventive Health Care Needs of Dually Eligible Women with Disability

You can view the webinar recording below. Supporting documents such as webinar slides, transcript, and additional resources are available to download by scrolling to the attachments section below. Description: In observance of National Women’s Health Week, this webinar provides


Multimodal Pain Management: Considerations for Clinicians Treating Pain

Click Here to View the Brief Chronic pain is rising due to higher incidence of associated conditions within a larger aging population.1 Individuals dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid in particular have higher levels of chronic pain, and use prescription


Key Considerations for Health Plans: Partnering with Community-Based Organizations to Address Social Determinants of Health

Click Here to Access the Brief People dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid often experience more complex health issues and worse health outcomes than people eligible only for Medicare.1 These health disparities are often related to factors outside the health
