Care Management & Care Coordination

Strategies and Promising Practices in Coordinating Dental Care for Dually Eligible Individuals

Click Here to View the Brief Resources for Integrated Care (RIC) prepared this brief as a supplemental resource to our webinar, Supporting Dental Health Care Coordination for Individuals Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid. It offers guidance and promising innovative


Helping Plans Collect Enrollee Data on Social Determinants of Health and Health-Related Social Needs

Click Here to View the Tip Sheet This tip sheet both identifies the broad range of social determinants of health (SDOH) and health-related social needs (HRSN) data collection toolkits and offers additional guidance around using these resources most effectively. Specifically,


Care Coordination and Supporting Member Self-Management – Highlighting Inland Empire Health Plan

Background Self-management refers to “the tasks that individuals must undertake to live well with one or more chronic conditions.”1 It includes a wide range of behaviors individuals might focus on to maintain their health—such as monitoring symptoms, adhering to medication


RIC Event: Supporting Dental Health Care Coordination for Individuals Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid Description: Oral health care coordination for individuals dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid is a complicated task for several reasons: Coverage complexity. Dually eligible individuals navigate coverage for dental health care through both the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Although


RIC Event: Improving Health Equity for Dually Eligible Enrollees in Rural Areas Description: Health plans serving rural service areas confront significant health care delivery challenges, including lack of access to health care, provider workforce shortages, food deserts, poor transportation infrastructure, and inconsistent Internet. Health plans serving the more than two million
