These websites and resources provide general cultural and linguistic competence information and education materials for providers serving persons from varied cultural backgrounds and/or with limited English proficiency.
This website features resources for health and health care professionals to learn about culturally and linguistically appropriate services, or CLAS.
Think Cultural Health Webinar Series
This series of webinars describes the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) and their application in a variety of contexts, including mental health, oral health, and health literacy and communication, among others.
This website contains information about cultural beliefs, medical issues, and related topics relevant to the health care of immigrants in the United States. Providers can use this resource to better understand the cultures and values of their patient populations.
Improving Patient Safety Systems for
Patients with Limited English Proficiency
This resource provides guidance to hospital professionals on how to address patient safety for limited-English-proficient (LEP) and culturally diverse patients.
Interpreting in Palliative Care
This resource is designed to expand the knowledge of interpreters regarding palliative care and assist them in applying their interpretation skills to difficult conversations.
Culture, Language, and Health Literacy
This web page contains resources for providers about culture, language, and health literacy, including toolkits, briefs, and guides for different populations.
This portal contains resources for providers and plans who work with health disparity populations with limited English proficiency (LEP) to help improve language access to health information produced by NIH and other federal agencies.
Building a Culturally Competent Organization: The Quest for Equity in Health Care
This guide serves to explore the concept of cultural competence and build the case for the enhancement of cultural competence in health care. While written for hospitals and care systems, the principles shared are broadly applicable for many types of health care organizations.
National Center for Cultural Competence
This website contains information on culturally and linguistically competent values, attitudes, policy, structures, and practices that are both promising and/or evidence-based.
Health Equity Technical Assistance
Health Equity Technical Assistance helps organizations looking to address health disparities through technology. Participating organizations can receive a series of consultations focused on personalized technical assistance, with topics including data analysis/collection, quality improvement, and more. Interested organizations can contact to receive these resources and coaching.