By creating a culture of meaningful member engagement, health plans can more effectively provide integrated care that improves health outcomes and addresses barriers to care. Engaging members is particularly important for plans serving individuals who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, as the dually eligible population has a higher prevalence of chronic conditions, disabilities, and behavioral health conditions compared to Medicare-only and Medicaid-only populations.1
Resources for Integrated Care (RIC) features a range of resources to inform plans in efforts to support meaningful member engagement including:
- Strategies and promising practices for bringing members’ voices and perspectives into plan governance,
- Assisting members to play an active role in managing their health and making health care decisions, and
- Connecting with and engaging hard-to-reach members.
Enrollee Engagement in Plan Governance
1 Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office. (2019). FY 2019 Report to Congress. Retrieved from https://www.cms.gov/Medicare-Medicaid-Coordination/Medicare-and-Medicaid-Coordination/Medicare-Medicaid-Coordination-Office/Downloads/FY-2018-Report-to-Congress.pdf.